We have worked hard this week and have almost completed the I.O.W.A testing. Thank you for your effort in getting your child to school on time and ready to work. Please pay attention the guidelines concerning our Indian in the Cupboard book project sent home in Friday folders.
Math: Topic 4 Dividing by 1 Digit Divisors
Reading: Indian the Cupboard vocabulary words, comprehension questions. Projects are due on Oct. 14.
Language Arts: run on sentences/diagramming sentences with adjectives and direct objects
Social Studies: Study capitals for southwest region -*test Monday
Study captials for west region -*test Monday
Chapter 1 Life in the Western Hemisphere
USA Studies Weekly #5
Study captials for west region -*test Monday
Chapter 1 Life in the Western Hemisphere
USA Studies Weekly #5
Oct. 3 - 7 Fall Break (classes resume on October 8)
Oct. 18 Quarter Ends
Oct. 23 Book Buddies (fifth grade brings books)
Oct. 25 Report Cards
Oct. 31 Spook Parade/Trunk-or -Treat
Oct. 25 Report Cards
Oct. 31 Spook Parade/Trunk-or -Treat
Enjoy your weekend!!!
As always, feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.
Thank you for all of your support.
As always, feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.
Thank you for all of your support.
News from Dustydise:
This has been a wonderful week in fifth grade. Thank you for your Box Tops donations.