Note from the Teacher
This week we will be wrapping up our Famous Black American project, We Make a Difference, which is due on Thursday, Febraury 1. Also, I will begin discussing, The Wax Museum project. This project is an annual all time favorite of the fifth grade. First, the students will select a famous American to learn about and represent. The project consist of three main areas: research/note taking, a power point presentation, and a live display of a famous American. The students will work on this project both at home and school. A project sheet will be sent home with each student. Once your child's famous American has been approved, please start discussing the project details with your child and begin brainstorming props and costume ideas. As always, feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Starting this week, the fifth grade class
will participate in the Community
Orientation Prevention Education program (C.O.P.E.) presented by the Wayne
County Sheriff’s Department. Deputy Stine will join us for a two day teaching session. The children will be introduced to important
topics that children are often confronted by as they get older. For instance,
topics may include: the dangers and effects of harmful substance, peer
pressure, etc. Over the years, the students have gained valuable knowledge, as
well as positive attitudes concerning these important topics.
Don't forget to show your school spirit this week!
Check out these daily themes:
Check out these daily themes:
Monday: Team Day-Show your team spirit by wargin your favorite
team's apparel.
team's apparel.
Tuesday: PJ Day - Roll out of bed and come to school!
Wednesday: Wacky Tacky Day- Dress crazy, the tackier the better!
Thursday: Character Day - Come dressed as your favorite storybook
character, Superhero or Disney character.
character, Superhero or Disney character.
Friday: RED OUT Day: Wear RED to support the Chargers! Day
Area of Focus
Math: Fractions and Decimals Topic 10
Weekly Concept- Patterns
Essential Question- Where can you find patterns in nature?
Genre- Expository Text
Skills- ask and answer , main idea, key details, Greek roots
Spelling: Words with vowel teams
Language: Main and helping verbs
Social Studies: The Struggle to Found Colonies Chapter 5 *test Monday
Famous Black American Project due on February 1
USA Weekly # 9 & 10
UpComing Events
Jan. 29-Feb. 2 Spirit Week
Feb. 14 Valentine Exchange
Feb. 23 Book Buddies
Feb. 28 Caroline's Birthday
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